B Corp Score
Our B Corp score & plans for recertification 2023
How we’re going to get better
When we originally certified, our overall B Impact Score 98.9 - the threshold for certification being 80 and the average for a business around 50.
Governance 16.9
Workers 24.8
Community 14.4
Environment 10.6
Customers 32.0
Our B Impact Score Target for re-certification is 109 - which will be driven from all five areas of B Corp.
As we have grown we have increasingly realised the importance of a set of processes that ensure all members of the team are treated equitably. It’s so easy to slip into a situation where those that have been a part of the team for a long time have different knowledge, standing and rewards to those that have joined more recently.
We have grown the team by over 30% in the last 18 months so these challenges have become a real focus for the leadership team.
The specific steps that we are looking to improve in this area include:
Measuring our externalities in monetary terms and incorporate them into our financial balances
We are trying to build a team that genuinely trusts one another and has a culture of psychological safety. This is not just an ethical choice - we also know it means better work is delivered for our community, customers and stakeholders.
If people know they can make suggestions knowing they’ll be respected - even when people disagree with them, then better conversations happen all round.
We have always had this goal, but as we have grown the team and our customer base, we need to take different approaches to ensure it is achieved.
We have always seen the community of agencies, charities and people as a significant driver of our success as a business. We spend time building relationships with a wide range of groups that we think improve the access to our industry and want to do more in this area.
As a relatively small team, working in a professional service industry the opportunity for us to improve our own environmental impact is relatively limited. We have got better at understanding our carbon footprint and the changes we can make since becoming a remote team to further reduce our emissions.
When in the office our emissions were around 30,000kg - whereas now, even with a significantly increased team size we are closer to 15,000kg - a significant reduction. However, where we want to do more is through our clients - to reduce the impact of the digital products that we build for them.
The specific steps that we are looking to improve in this area include:
Highlight green credentials our hosting and measure the overall carbon savings on websites launched
We always use a verified green host Krystal, to deploy our clients’ websites. This combined with our modern web design and development techniques, usually delivers a significant improvement on their websites’ environmental impact.
We want to make measurement of this improvement a core part of our website delivery process and aggregate our reductions to see the full impact.
Create a policy in place for the safe disposal of e-waste and other hazardous materials purchased for employee home offices
EV accessibility projects
Our customers have always been the driving force behind our social impact. By only delivering accessible digital products for charities and universities we have been able to improve outcomes for a wide range of stakeholders and beneficiaries.
As we continue to grow the size of our team and projects, we want to continue to ensure this impact happens at an even greater scale.
The specific steps that we are looking to improve in this area include: