We created a flexible identity system of connecting blocks that reflects how the department helps students to build their careers.

What we did

  • Brand strategy
  • Visual identity
  • Communications

King’s Careers & Employability asked us to help them bring their vast array of communications together under one identity. Their audiences were not recognising the wide range of initiatives and services that were coming from the same department.

We worked with them to design a flexible and easy-to-use identity system that sits within the King’s master brand. The new design will help raise their profile to students, staff and industry.

First we created a positioning statement to clarify and strengthen their core mission.
The foundation of the visual identity is a system of isometric blocks that build and fit together, drawing from King’s colourful brand palette. We produced a comprehensive set of identity guidelines. These will help the department create materials in-house, quickly and consistently.
We wrote a communications guide to help everyone in the department take ownership of their new identity. In this we plotted the ways in which their messaging corresponds with various visual executions. This proved invaluable in maintaining consistency in the messaging and design of materials.

The new identity looks absolutely terrific, particularly now we are beginning to roll it out across multiple formats and products, and adapt and apply it to our different uses.

Kate Daubney, Head of King’s Careers & Employability


There are two key sub-identities within the department: the Internships and Experience schemes.

Internships slots the blocks together to reflect ‘finding your place’ within an organisation. Experience illustrates positive additions to students’ time at the university.

By applying specific shapes and a limited colour palette to each scheme, we created two strands that are distinctive yet coherent with the main identity.

The identity is utterly distinctive and completely adaptable, and I really appreciate the time and care that William Joseph took over helping us realise what it is we wanted to achieve.

Kate Daubney, Head of King’s Careers & Employability